Here’s Why It Takes So Long For Your Apple Watch To Sign Into Your Account

Are you trying to sign into your account via your Apple Watch? Is it taking longer than it probably should? If you are finding yourself in this situation, this article can help you troubleshoot what the issue is.

It is taking a long time for the Apple Watch to sign into the account because there is already another account signed in, the current data needs to be erased, or the smartwatch may need to be reset. For these reasons, signing into the Apple Watch could be delayed.

To keep learning about why this process is taking so long and how to resolve it, keep reading.

Here's Why It Takes So Long For Your Apple Watch To Sign Into Your Account

How Long Should It Take to Sign Into My Apple Watch?

If your Apple ID and account are already set up with this particular Apple Watch, it should take no more than 30 seconds to sign in.

An Apple Watch that already has your data and login information matched that is working properly shouldn’t take longer than 30 seconds to sign into unless there is an issue. However, if this is a new Apple Watch that you are trying to get set up with your Apple ID and account, then it typically takes a total of 30 minutes to get it set up and get signed into.

If it is taking longer than 10 minutes to sign into your Apple Watch, it is more than likely that there is an issue. We will help you identify what the issues are and tell you how to troubleshoot them.

Aside from the following points, one common cause of prolonging the signing-in or setup process of an Apple Watch is that it has a low or dead battery. Before attempting to sign in, make sure it has at least a quarter-full battery bank, or else the little battery it did have prior to signing in will be drained quickly. Most Apple Watches are fully charged when you purchase them new.

Another Account is Already Signed In

One possible reason it could be taking an extended period of time for your Apple Watch to sign in is if there is already another account signed in.

If there is already another account signed in to the Apple Watch, the sign-in page won’t even appear and give you the option to sign in. If you do get to that point, sign in, and it’s still taking a long time, it is likely you only signed the original account out of the home page and not out of the whole Apple account.

Once that original account is signed out all the way, it should be much easier for you to sign in to your Apple account on your Apple Watch in a much shorter amount of time.

To do this, you will first need to open the watch app on the phone that is connected to the Apple Watch. Find the My Watch tab and go to All Watches. If you can’t find that tab, it should be at the top of the screen.

Once you’re there, hit the little icon with an “i” in a circle button that is corresponding to the watch you want to disconnect from the watch. There will be a dialog box that pops up that will have you confirm that you want to unpair the watch. If that is the correct watch, you will hit Yes, and it will disconnect the watch.

You are then able to connect the watch and sign into the account that you want to be paired with the watch.

The Current Data May Need to Be Erased

Another possible reason it could be taking so long to sign in is that the current data may need to be erased. If the watch is holding too much data and it’s taking up too much storage space, it will take longer for the watch to be able to download all of the necessary information after signing in, slowing down the sign-in process.

Your username and password may work just fine, but you may be stuck waiting to watch the circle spin for a while waiting for everything to sync properly from your phone to your watch. This is normal, but if you are in need of accessing your watch right away and don’t care about the current data, erasing it is a way to resolve this issue.

In order to erase all the current data, open the settings on your watch and find the General tab and go to the reset capability. Once you’re there, you should see a button that says “Erase All Content and Settings”. That is the button you will want to hit.

There will be a dialog box that pops up that is asking you to confirm that this is what you want to do. You will hit Yes. Wait for the watch to state that the data has been erased and you can then start the sign-in process again. It shouldn’t take as long this time.

Apple Watch Needs to Be Reset

apple watch

Another possible reason that your watch could be taking forever to sign in is that the Apple Watch needs to be reset. Sometimes the Apple Watch has been being used for too long and needs to start fresh by being turned off and on again. This can help it figure out and recall that your sign-in information is correct and be able to read it properly so it doesn’t take forever for you to sign in.

To reset your Apple Watch, you will need to make sure it’s connected to the charger. Similar to how you reset an iPhone, hold down the side button until the slider power button pops up.

Then, hold the power button on the screen down until the reset option comes up. When it appears, select that button. This will enable the watch to turn off but then immediately turn back off as the watch resets itself.

Once the watch turns back on, try signing in again. After the watch has been reset, it should sign you right into the watch without any issues.