Is Oura Ring Waterproof? (ANSWERED!)
The Oura Ring is a well-designed sleep, activity, and heart rate tracker. Because it is used to track exercise and energy use, it is common to want to use it while swimming or participating in other water-related activities. However, this poses the question of whether the ring can be used in the water or not.
Oura Rings are made with a waterproof design. Showering, washing hands, doing dishes, and other minimal water contact activities are all safe without removing the ring. Users can even swim with the Oura Ring without exceeding 330 feet in depth or more than 12 hours of complete submersion in water.
In short, the Oura Ring was created with the purpose of all-day use. Users should be able to keep the ring on when going about any regular activities, with the exception of going scuba or deep sea diving to extreme depths for extended periods of time.

Do I Need to Take Off My Oura Ring to get in the Shower or do the Dishes?
The Oura Ring is an advanced fitness tracking device and is made to monitor data about your body while going about everyday activities. Clearly, water comes in contact with one’s hands during the day, making it rather important for the ring to function when in water.
For this reason, the creators of the ring ensured that it can get wet and continue to function normally. You can keep the ring on while doing laundry, dishes, washing hands, cleaning, showering, or bathing. Users can choose to remove the ring when doing these things if they prefer, but it is not necessary to do so.
Can I Swim with an Oura Ring On?
Even though a device is safe for dishes and showering, this often does not mean that it is able to function when fully submerged in the water for a longer period of time. However, the Oura Ring is safe to keep on even when swimming!
Other longer-term water activities such as snorkeling, surfing, boating, and body boarding are safe to do while wearing Oura Rings as well. The ring can be worn in waterparks and taken on rides and into pools without issues. As will be addressed in a later section, the temperature of the water shouldn’t cause issues so long as it is a safe temperature for your skin.
Is My Ring Still Waterproof Even if it’s Too Big?
While the Oura Ring is able to withstand extended water submersion, this is only true when it is being used and worn properly. The ring utilizes sensor technology that requires consistency in its contact with your skin to collect and record accurate data about your body.
Just like any other type of advanced sensory technology, lots of movement or too loose of a fit will negatively impact the ring’s ability to retrieve the data it is designed to collect.
Be sure that your Oura Ring fits snugly on your finger. It is highly recommended that the ring is worn on the nondominant hand on the thumb, ring, or pointer finger.
The fit should be snug, but not so tight that it is overly difficult to remove or blocks blood flow from moving normally through your hand. As long as the ring fits properly, it is more likely to be safe when exposed to water of any kind.
Are Extreme Temperatures Safe for the Oura Ring?

There are times when a person is exposed to water that is of a very high or low temperature. In regard to the safety of the ring, there is a basic rule for these temperature variants. As long as your skin is able to safely endure the temperature of the water, the ring will be alright as well.
This means that hot showers, reaching into a cooler, sitting in a hot tub, ice baths, or any other extreme temperature-involved activity will not pose a threat to the ring. However, be aware of your skin’s reactions to these temperatures and avoid dangerous extremes for the best chances of maintaining a properly functioning Oura Ring.
The Oura Ring has a temperature range that extends from 14 to 125 degrees Fahrenheit, (-10 to 52 degrees Celsius). This is an approximate range for the operational temperature of the Oura Ring but is not exact.
It is still strongly recommended that users are aware of the extreme temperatures to which they expose the ring and try to avoid a pattern of long exposure periods towards the ends of this temperature spectrum.
Are There Other Limits to the Ring’s Water Resistance?
So, it may begin to seem that the ring is invincible now, right? Well, while the Oura Ring does have incredible capabilities in terms of water contact and exposure, there are still limits to its endurance that should not be pushed.
For example, the ring can be used while swimming but is not recommended for deep-sea diving of any kind. The Oura Ring is made to maintain water resistance up to depths of only 330 feet or 100 meters.
There is a chance that it will survive a depth lower than this and continue to function, but it is not designed to do so by any means. For the best results, keep the ring above these depth levels, as the increased pressure from the water below 330 feet is likely to damage the advanced technology within the ring.
Another limitation of the waterproof capabilities of the Oura Ring is centered on the time duration of resistance. While the ring is able to keep water from causing damage, it should not be fully submerged for longer than 12 hours at a time.
This type of extended water exposure can potentially impact the Oura Ring’s ability to properly retrieve and record data about your body’s functions as designed.
Users are able to take the ring swimming or to participate in other water activities, so long as they will not keep the ring under the water for extended periods of time that exceed this recommended time limitation.